Welcome to the Hagen-Renaker Field Guide

I’m glad you’re here!

The Hagen-Renaker Field Guide is an online-only collector’s manual. Eventually, all Hagen-Renaker lines will be cataloged here. At present, the Miniatures, Specialties/Stoneware and Black Bisque lines have been completed; Disney and Designer’s Workshop are under construction; Little Horribles are coming soon!

Special attention has been paid to providing accurate and up-to date information on mold names, dates, numbers, colorways, and other information. This is NOT a repeat of previously published work; it is based on entirely new research from primary sources–Hagen-Renaker’s Mold Book, Order Forms, and other materials. Photos are all new.

Please note that the first set of categories you will see when you browse are all Miniatures. Miniatures have been given priority because they are by far the most numerous Hagen-Renaker line. Under the Miniatures categories are links to Designer’s Workshop, Specialties, and the other lines.

Please let me know about any specific problems you find by using the Contact link. Also, the FAQ section is a great place to start if you have questions about the Field Guide.