
Circus Dog, begging

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A-270, Circus Dog, begging

Height: 2”

Designer: Tom Masterson

Production Dates:

F1955-F1956, as “Begging Circus Dog” (White/black ears/yellow collar)

S1969 White/brown ears/yellow or blue hat [rare];

S2009-present, as “Puppy, begging” (Red-brown and white, no collar/hat)

Mold Book Name: Dog, circus  

Notes: A mask and hat for this dog are listed in the Mold Book but were probably never made. The hat used for the 1969 run is the Disney “Dumbo” hat. The numbers of the two circus dogs, A-270 and A-271, are reversed in the Mold Book.


Category: DOGS
Sub-Category: Mutts