
Bulldog, seated

  • Product Details
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A-855, Bulldog, seated                        

Height: 1 ¼”

Designer: Don Winton

Production Dates:

S1985–S1990, as Bulldog (Red-brown and white, brushed [htf]; Red-brown and white, airbrushed)

Mold Book Name: Bulldog rework N.B.

Notes: This is also known as Bulldog, style 1. The mold was revised from the Disney “Bull” mold (from Lady and the Tramp) by Nell Bortells.

The dog with grey face and dot eyes appears to be a test for an unreleased 1965 non-Disney run, as it resembles the other non-Disney dogs produced at this time.

Category: DOGS
Sub-Category: Non Sporting